One of our projects is being automated using solution files and Features. When the Site Collection Feature is activated it automatically creates Site Columns, Site Content Types and a Document Library using both of the aforementioned.
Currently the entire process is via Object Model code. However, for flexibility and standardization we're looking into defining the columns and content types using CAML XML files.
It appears however that site columns defined in CAML XML cannot be modified using the browser. We have a CHOICE field where we want modify the list of values from within the browser but that functionality is missing.

Please tell me I'm missing something here ?
I was missing something: brackets around the Field Id GUIDs.
{EFEEE760-23C1-4f63-87DF-19C163D09A5C}" Name="FJobOptions" DisplayName="Job Options by Feature" StaticName="FJobOptions" Group="MyWCMPublishing" Type="Choice">
Now it works like a charm !